Grading System


GRADING SYSTEM: A-4 points    B-3 points      C-2 points      D-1 point        F-0 points

A (93-100) Consistently does superior work in accomplishing goals, objectives, and requirements.

B (85-92) Consistently does above average work in accomplishing goals, objectives and requirements.

C (76-84) Usually does average work in accomplishing goals, objectives and requirements.

D (70-75) Usually does below average work in accomplishing goals, objectives and requirements.

F (69 and below) Consistently does unsatisfactory work in accomplishing goals, objectives and requirements.

HIGH HONORS: Grade Point Average of 4.0

FIRST HONORS: Grade Point Average of 3.50 to 3.99

SECOND HONORS: Grade Point Average of 3.16 to 3.49



REPORT CARDS:  Report cards are issued four times a year for students.  When a report card is received, parents are to sign the envelope and return it to school within three days.  Should a need arise, a Deficiency Report is sent home by the teachers to inform parents of a significant change in a student’s grade.  These reports are meant to update parent information regarding areas of concern.